How To Win Roulette All The Time
This page explains the plain facts about roulette including how you can and cannot beat roulette, although much more detailed information is at These are the same facts recognized by professional casino staff who are trained to detect professional players. Most people will tell you roulette is totally random and can’t be beaten. But the fact is people beat roulette every day, although you rarely hear about it. To understand how to win at roulette, you must understand what roulette actually is. Software roulette games with computer animations are basically slot machines, not roulette. Online casinos rely on players to be fooled by computer animations.
The only real roulette consists of a physical wheel and ball. In real roulette, the ball and wheel spin, then the ball falls and bounces around before finally coming to rest in a pocket. Real physics is involved, and as such where the ball will fall can be predicted to some degree.
If you treat a slot machine like roulette, you will lose. There are online roulette casinos that allow you to play against real wheels, and this is the only online roulette you can beat. For 10 years I have offered a $100,000 cash prize to anyone who has a system that can beat 1,000,000 RNG (random number generator) spins. Everyone who has tried has failed.
Why Do Most Systems Fail to Win at Roulette?
The closest you can get to winning roulette every time his with a roulette computer. To win every time you play, you would need to play enough spins to overcome any temporary losses, from bad luck (variance). So you can still lose on individual spins, but quickly make back losses.
Most players are unable to win consistently because the casino offers unfair payouts for wins, and their strategy doesn’t address this issue. Using a single number as an example, on the European wheel, there are 37 pockets. But instead of a fair payout, the casino pays you 35 to 1. This means if you bet on a single number for 37 spins, on average you can expect to win once. On that one win, you will get 35 units, plus the unit you bet. This will leave you with 36 units. If the payout was FAIR, you would have ended up with 37 units. Once you understand this, you see even when you win, you still actually lose. This situation of “unfair payouts” is called the “house edge”.
Those bets win 47.37% of the time, but they only pay off even money. And the house edge is still 5.26%. Defining which bet at the roulette table is the best one has as much to do with deciding what your goals are as anything else. Home Top 10 Roulette Tips. Since the game of Roulette is relatively fast-paced, you need to make sure the minimum bet is low enough for you to play for a fair amount of time in case things don't go as planned.
There is more to it which is explained below, but ultimately most systems eventually lose because the system does not increase the accuracy of predictions. The best page that explains how you can win roulette is here and this page explains the best roulette strategy for online casinos.
Do Past Spins Affect Each Other, and Can Past Spins Be Used to Win Roulette?
Do previous spins affect future spins? This is a tricky question. Most professionals would outright tell you NO. But the fact is when a ball lands on one number, and the ball is spun again, the previous winning number IS connected, but the spins are still two different events and they do not exactly “affect” each other. Consider the following two scenarios. We assume the wheel is physically perfect:
Scenario 1: The ball lands on 32 (spin 1). The dealer then spins the wheel again, and again the ball lands on 32 (spin 2).
Scenario 2: The ball lands on 15 (spin 1). Now the wheel and ball are now respun with exactly the same force, and the ball lands on 15 again (spin 2).
My point of the above example is in both scenarios, we had exactly the same ball and wheel speed. So what was different about each scenario? The previous winning number was different, and this meant the next winning number was different.
So do previous spins affect future spins? Well, not exactly, but they are linked, although this applies ONLY on real wheels where there is a physical wheel and ball. If it were software roulette (RNG), the actual winning number is based on random number generators, which have nothing to do with any real wheel and ball, or physics (in the traditional sense), so previous spins have no connection at all to future spins.
To understand basic advice and tips for winning roulette, see and also learn the rules of roulette.
Why Most Systems Eventually Lose
There are many “fallacies” players use to develop systems. Below are the most common ones, and WHY they don’t work:
Thinking something is “due” to happen:
On the roulette wheel, nothing is ever “due” to happen. Even after 10 reds in a row, the odds of black spinning are still less than 50/50. If you don’t believe me, do through testing. One way to do this is use an Excel chart to create millions of results with either R (red) or B (black). Even better, use software such as Roulette Xtreme although you’d need to know how to code it. You could probably find people to code for you free on roulette forums.
Now assuming you are doing it manually, check to see various points where there are 10 reds in a row, then each time this happens, see how many times red and black are next. You will need the situation of 10 reds in a row to happen realistically thousands of times to get a realistic idea of the results. What you will find is the odds of black spinning next are EXACTLY the same, whether there was one red, 10 reds or whatever. Nothing changes.
However, many systems are based on the principle of waiting for something to not happen, then betting based on the concept of it being “due”. In this sense, previous spins have nothing even vaguely to do with future spins.
Thinking the “balance” and averages will tell you which numbers are due:
Let’s say over 10,000 spins, 45% are black, and 55% are red. Would you bet black thinking the “balance” will eventually occur? If you think this, you haven’t learned what I’ve written above. The odds are no different no matter what present “imbalance” of red/black there is. Don’t believe me? Test it thoroughly for yourself, as countless others have before you.
Progression (increasing / decreasing bet size):
If you increase the bet size to cover losses, all you are doing is creating the opportunity to either get very lucky and win big, or blow your entire bankroll in spectacular fashion. You need to keep in mind no matter what has happened in previous spins, the odds of an event taking place are still the same. I’ll give an example:
You wait for 10 reds in a row, then bet on black thinking it is due. But red spins again. You then double up your bet, but lose again. This happens again and again until you reach the maximum bet at the table, then even if you win, it makes no difference and why? Because the payouts are unfair, so when when you win, you still actually lose.
Even if there were no table betting limits at all, the situation would be no different. But the reason casinos have betting limits is because someone could get very lucky, and bankrupt them with huge winning bets.
What DOES Beat Roulette in the Long-term?
Einstein once said the only way to beat a roulette table is to steal money when the croupier wasn’t looking. Many people interpret this as him saying you cannot win at roulette. What he said was about the TABLE, not the game of roulette. Einstein said you cannot beat the table, and he is right. This is because the table is a scattered representation of the wheel, and it is scattered and “randomized” for good reason: you cannot predict the exact number where the ball will land, but you can realistically predict the general area on the wheel the ball will land – not with perfect accuracy, but enough to overcome the issue of the unfair payouts.

Putting this into perspective, consider two scenarios:
Scenario 1 – Guaranteed losing player
Player 1 is betting reds only. Reds are every second pocket. There is no way this player can determine where the ball will land within the accuracy of 1 pocket. Because the payouts are unfair, this player is guaranteed to eventually lose their bankroll.
Scenario 2: Player that at least has a chance of winning consistently
Player 2 can skillfully observe the ball when it is at a slow speed, and based on the wheel position when the ball has approximately 6 or so seconds before falling, he/she can determine where the ball is more likely to land. Of course they aren’t god so they can’t be 100% accurate, but they achieve an accuracy better than completely random. And since the house edge is only around 2.5% (the payouts are only marginally unfair), the slight accuracy he/she achieves is enough to win consistently, even over tens of millions of spins (assuming they had that kind of time). Like the casino usually takes your money with a small house edge, this player will slowly but surely profit.
To summarize, the ONLY way you can beat roulette consistently is by increasing the accuracy of predictions. UNLESS YOUR METHOD DOES THIS, YOU EVENTUAL LOSS IS A SCIENTIFIC AND MATHEMATICAL CERTAINTY.
The Roulette Systems That Beat Casinos
Roulette has nothing to do with the betting table. The winning number is determined by a wheel and ball. And now that you know the only way to beat roulette consistently is by increasing the accuracy, the question is: HOW do you increase the accuracy of predictions?
This is not as hard as you’d think. Keep in mind the house edge (unfair payouts) are only minor, so you only need relatively minor accuracy to overcome it and win consistently. When blackjack card counting was all the rage, the best players were only getting 2-3% edges, whereas with roulette, you can literally achieve over an 80% edge. So you can understand why for professional casino players who know best, roulette is the best choice. Beating roulette may be trickier than blackjack, but when you do it right, the edge is far, far greater. For myself personally, I know I’d rather not spend days and days at the blackjack table for a tiny edge, when it is quicker and more profitable at the roulette wheel when done right.
Ok now we are aware that roulette is all about a wheel and ball, and we are aware of the unfair payouts and the need to increase accuracy of predictions. So HOW do we increase the accuracy of predictions? In other words, how do you determine where a little ball will fall? Voodoo perhaps? Betting progression? Think about the most logical approach before continuing… What would Einstein, a physicist look at? What rules govern the behavior of a little ball? Physics, of course.
If you’re new to roulette, you’d probably think predicting where the ball will land with any kind of accuracy is impossible. After all, the ball bounces all over the place, right? Truth is there are actually countless ways to achieve predictions that not only overcome the house edge, they obliterate it.
You need to understand in reality it is much more difficult for a roulette wheel developer to create a wheel that produces truly unpredictable spins than it is for a knowledgable player to predict spins with enough accuracy to overcome the house edge. There are wheels that produce spins that are quite difficult to predict, but by no means impossible – and with such wheels, or any wheel, it is almost impossible for casinos to maintain the wheel in a state whereby spins are at a maximum of unpredictability. So while you may initially think spins are unpredictable, there are actually many legitimate methods to predict roulette spins, and beat roulette consistently.
Here’s What Really Does Beat Roulette
1. Roulette Computers (best) Electronic devices that are legal in most jurisdictions. They take timings of the wheel and ball to predict where the ball is most likely to land. The player then makes a late bet before no more bets is called. Below is a video of one of my roulette computers being publicly demonstrated:
2. Visual Ballistics: This is basically what a roulette computer does, but by using your eyesight. It is less effective than computers, but legal everywhere. Visual ballistic techniques form part of the techniques I teach. See below for a free tutorial video that explains the basics of visual ballistics:
3. Bias Analysis: exploiting physical imperfections of wheels. Yes you may have heard biased wheels don’t exist today. The truth of the matter is EVERY wheel is imperfect to some degree, and every wheel has at least some bias. But rarely is this bias alone strong enough to overcome the house edge. As part of the course I offer, you learn how to conduct a proper analysis for wheel bias. See the free bias analysis course.
Once these methods were secret, casinos didn’t believe roulette could be beaten, and only those that used them knew about them. Now they are somewhat common knowledge to professional players and casinos alike, and you’ll occasionally see TV documentaries about players having won millions. While there are actually quite a few other methods, they are today’s secrets, and tomorrows TV documentaries.
If you think you can’t possibly predict spins, with enough accuracy to overcome the house edge, with bets BEFORE the ball is even released and on modern wheels the “experts” consider unbeatable, you are very wrong – and you will know this perhaps when it is too late to take advantage of the knowledge. Casinos have a growing awareness of the newest techniques to beat roulette, but they are still largely ignorant. Many are starting to implement procedures (countermeasures) that make application of the latest techniques more difficult. However, I still have never found a wheel I’d consider impossible to beat. In my experience, every wheel is beatable one way or another (even without electronics), but not every wheel is “practical” to beat. A wheel may be “impractical” to beat for varied reasons, such as it only spinning once every 5 minutes which is simply too infrequent.
In conclusion, don’t bother with outside betting. If you understood that I’ve written, you’d understand why outside betting is suicide. Don’t bother with betting progression. The only way to beat roulette is by understanding the physics of the roulette wheel. This will enable you to determine what patterns are likely to form, how to represent such patterns in a practical form, and how to apply the knowledge. If you’d like to know more about my methods, start by reading my site, and/or purchase the book “Living Energies” by Callum Coats – this and diligence will lead you to types of patterns that are exhibited on every wheel, and the casinos appear to know absolutely nothing about them.
Put Into Simpler Terms:
If the above is too much information for you, the below is simpler:
1. No matter what the previous spins were, they do not at all change the odds of one or another number spinning next.
2. As per #1 above, no matter how you select where to bet, looking at previous spins in any way does not determine the future (with the exception of real wheels and understanding physics)
3. If you increase bet size after losses, combine points #1 and #2, and you’ll understand all you’re doing is just increasing the amount you’ll either win or lose on the next spin.
These facts are IRREFUTABLE. If you understand them, you will understand why almost every system fails.
For example, let’s say you waited until over 100 spins, there were 80 reds and only 20 blacks. You may think there are bound to be more blacks soon, so you bet on black. But you are wrong. The odds of black spinning next are exactly the same as they’ve always been, so you are still going to lose.
Another example: you see 10 reds in a row, and bet on black thinking it is due. But the odds of black spinning next has not and never will change. Red spins again and again, and you keep doubling your bet. Each time you double your bet, you are NOT increasing your chances of winning – you are increasing the amount you are likely to lose. What will happen is you will either get lucky and win, or blow your bankroll. This may give you some good short term profits, but if you continue to do it, you will absolutely definitely eventually deplete your bankroll. It might happen the first few spins, or you might get lucky and end up profiting after about 100 spins.
I have seen RNG systems win after 10,000 spins, but does this mean they are legitimate long term winners? No! It just means that over those 10,000 spins, the system has been very lucky. Try it over a different 10,000 spins and chances are the results will be quite different. Even constantly betting red alone with no system at all can give you a profit over 10,000 spins.
Don’t try to correlate spins to each other unless you are dealing with a real wheel. If you ARE dealing with a real wheel, understand the relationships between spin has nothing to do with anything being “due” – it has to do with the physics of the wheel. You simply cannot beat roulette when there is no real wheel and ball involved. Believe me casinos aren’t concerned about losing money from slot machines, and that’s what RNG software roulette is. But casinos certainly are concerned about losing money from players on real roulette wheels.
Understand this doesn’t mean you cant beat online roulette, because many casinos allow you to play against real physical wheels via webcam. You can use the free system I provide at such online casinos, but I only specify which ones to my players. Otherwise you can simply do your own research to find them.
Want to know more? Subscribe to the full course that teaches you how to beat roulette.
To get the best free roulette systems that really work, see the top 5 proven roulette systems and the video series below. It's the best 100% free information for winning roulette you'll find. It's written by professionals who are really earning a living from roulette. |
Roulette was the first game I ever played in a casino. I had no idea how high the house edge for the game was – in fact, I didn’t even know what the term “house edge” meant.
I don’t play roulette much anymore. It’s a little more slow-paced than I like. I prefer craps now.
But for beginners, roulette can be a perfect way to learn how to play casino games in general.
It’s also a great laboratory for demonstrating the limits of betting systems.
Here are the seven most important questions about roulette that you could ask, answered:
How Does the Game of Roulette Work?
Roulette is one of the oldest and most famous casino games in gambling history. It’s an example of a “spinning wheel” game. Imagine the wheel from Wheel of Fortune, but with numbers from 1 to 36 on them (plus a 0 and 00, for good measure.)
Now imagine half those numbers are black and half red.
Further imagine that there’s a pocket where a ball can land when it’s spun around the rim of the wheel.
Casino gamblers bet on where the ball’s going to land. You can bet on propositions like red/black, odd/even, or high/low. You can bet on single numbers, too. Or you can bet on combinations of numbers.
Here’s the gimmick, though:
A bet on red wins if it lands on red, and there are 18 red numbers on the wheel. But there are also 18 black numbers.
That sounds fair, until you consider this:
The 0 and 00 are green, and they’re additional.
So, if you bet on red and the ball lands on black, you lose. And you also lose if the ball lands on green.
Those two green zeroes are what make the house its money in the long run playing roulette.
2 – What Is the Best Bet in Roulette?
If you measure the various bets in roulette by their house edge, you have a multi-way tie:
ANY bet that’s not the 5-number bet in American roulette is the best bet.
What’s the house edge?
That’s how you measure the casino’s statistical advantage.
The roulette house edge for all the bets at the table – assuming a standard American game – is 5.26%.
The 5-number bet is an exception. The house edge for that bet is 7.89%. Never make that bet.
If you want to know what the best bet is in terms of which one offers the biggest payout, it’s the single-number bet. That bet pays off 35 to 1. The house edge is still 5.26%, though.
If you want to know what the best bet is in terms of which one is most likely to win, it’s any of the even-money bets. Those bets win 47.37% of the time, but they only pay off even money. And the house edge is still 5.26%.
Defining which bet at the roulette table is the best one has as much to do with deciding what your goals are as anything else.
My goal at the roulette table these days is to hit two single-number wins during a session.
I also limit the number of bets I make at a roulette table to 40 bets. I might bet on the same number every time, but I might not – it doesn’t matter.
If I’m betting $5 per spin, I’m going to bring $200 with me.
If I win twice, I’ll win $175 each time, or $350.
Depending on when during the 40 spins I win that, I might make a large or a small profit.
I might also show a small loss.
But I’m limiting my exposure to only making 40 bets. That’s about an hour’s worth of play, which is plenty for me anyway.
3 – Can You Really Win at Roulette?
Sure, anyone can win at roulette. It’s a game of chance. People win at roulette every day.
You can find all kinds of roulette betting systems and strategies. They’re all equally worthless, and I’ll explain why shortly.
How Do Roulette Payouts Work?
All the roulette payouts are designed to offer a break-even bet if the 0s weren’t on the wheel. No matter which bet you place, the payout is such that it would be a fair game – IF only the zeroes weren’t on the wheel.
This means that the payout for a single number bet is 35 to 1. (The odds of winning that bet are 37 to 1.)
The payout for a bet on two numbers is 17 to 1. The payout for a bet on three numbers is 11 to 1. And so on, until you get to the bets on 18 numbers at a time.
The lower the odds of winning, the higher the payouts.
But the house edge doesn’t change.
What Is the Best Roulette Strategy?
The best roulette strategy is to find another game to play. I’m only half-joking about this. I always suggest that gamblers stick with games where the house edge is lower than 1.5%. Roulette is way outside of that range.
All other roulette strategies are equally worthless, although they can be fun to try. The first thing you should do if you’re devising a roulette strategy is decide how much money you want to gamble with. That’s your gambling bankroll.
Then decide what percentage of your bankroll you want to win during your gambling session. Decide, too, on how much of it you’re willing to lose during that session, too.
Those are called win goals and loss limits.
Let’s say you have a $200 bankroll, and you decide you’d be satisfied winning $100 for the session, and you want to quit if you lose $100.
You could place single-number bets for $5. You’d have to lose 20 times in a row to lose your $100 loss limit, so you could play for quite a while.
If you hit a single number, though, you’ll win $175. Depending on how long it takes you to hit a win, you could easily hit your $100 win goal.
As long as you quit when you hit $300 or $100, you’re golden.
That’s called a money management technique. It won’t make you a winner in the long run, but it can ensure that you sometimes walk away a winner. A lot of gamblers stay at the roulette table until they’re broke.
Don’t be that guy. No one respects that guy.
How Do You Win Big Money at Online Roulette?
Real money online roulette offers the same house edge as traditional roulette in a brick and mortar casino. Winning big in the long run isn’t really an option. Of course, your definition of winning big money and mine might differ.
One piece of advice I can offer you about winning money at online roulette is this, though:
All the online casinos I’ve done business with had both American roulette and European roulette available. When that’s the case, ALWAYS play the European version of the game.
What’s the difference?
American roulette has two zeroes on the wheel, which makes the house edge 5.26%.
European roulette, though, only has a single green zero on the wheel, which lowers the house edge dramatically – to 2.70%.
Those still aren’t great odds, but if your hope is to win big money at online roulette, you need to play the game with the lowest edge.
Also, if you want to win big money, you should probably go with the bets with the biggest payoffs. Those are the inside bets. They win less often, but when you do win, you get a bigger payout.
How To Win Roulette Machine Every Time
The best of these is the single number bet. It pays off at 35 to 1.
If you have the bankroll to stand it, bet $100 on a single number repeatedly until it hits.
You’ll get a $3500 win when you do.
You’ll sustain some losses before you hit, but this is still a better strategy than trying to grind out small wins on the outside bets with a betting system like the Martingale.
Another option is to bet the max on a single spin and walk away with your winnings when you’ve doubled your money.
This works less than half the time, by the way – around 47.37% of the time, in fact.
But it’s another potentially good strategy for winning big money at online roulette.
How Can You Win at Roulette on Every Spin?
You can’t win at roulette on every spin – that’s patently impossible.
The only person who would ask this question doesn’t understand how roulette works.
Having read this post (and some of my other posts about roulette), you already know how roulette works, so you won’t even worry about trying to win at roulette on every spin.
How To Win Roulette Every Time Gta
Inexperienced gamblers often have many questions about roulette, but it’s a slow-moving game that’s easy to understand. And if you stick with the outside bets, the volatility is low. You’ll win even money slightly less than half the time.
A lot of gamblers like that aspect of the game. It makes roulette an especially good target for betting system fans.
The bottom line is that if you understand the answers to these seven questions about roulette, you’re way ahead of the game when compared to other novice casino gamblers.