The Gambling Match Mahabharata Summary

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‘O exalted king, I do not approve of this resolution that thou hast formed. It behave thee, O king, to act in such a way that no dispute may arise between thy children on account of this gambling match.’ Dhritarashtra replied,–‘O Kshatta, if the gods be merciful unto us, assuredly no dispute will ever arise amongst my sons.

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  • At present I am leading a distressful life in the woods in grief of heart. Those harsh and cruel speeches they addressed me on the occasion of that gambling match, and the words of my afflicted friends relating to the match at dice and other subjects, are all stored up in my remembrance.
Gambling can be a major entertainment in Las Vegas and Macao, and it is legal. However, public gambling is illegal in my home town, Taiwan. This gambling issue in Taiwan can relate to how Yudhisthira loses everything including himself in the dice gamble with Sakuni. It seems to me that gamble is like a drug and people who like to gamble cannot get rid of it because they are already addicted to gambling. If people are addicted to gamble, they lose their focus from their life goals. Gambling is betting of money or anything of material value on an event with unknown outcome. It is made to win instant and additional money or material goods. Gambling is both legal and illegal. It is the major commercial activity; the legal gambling market estimated in 2009 was worth $335 billion. The types of gambling are Casino games Table games Electronic gaming Non-casino gambling Fixed-odd betting Pari-mutuel betting Sports betting Arbitrage betting Gambling in the modern world has taken many shapes. The world spends billions on gambling every year. It may be a hobby of the elite class but those who lose everything because of gambling is the subject of debate. 1.1 History of gambling They history of gambling is ancient and relates to the different parts of the world. From Hindu to catholic and Jewish to the modern man or atheists; gambling has always been there, expanding and modernizing. Different parts of the world have different ways to gamble. Many popular games played in modern casinos originate from Europe and China, whereas the card games originated in the Middle East. Betting on horses originated from Arab (Aasved, 2003, pp.194). 1.2 Why do people gamble? The first answer to this question is because they want to become rich (Brenner and Brenner, 1990, pp.81). They want their money to double in a blink of an eye which is not possible in reality. That is why without being sure of the result they spend money so that they get a far greater amount in return. Gambling is an addition to have easy and quick money. Their lust for it is so strong that the negative outcomes never overtake the prominent desire to earn a lot of money in return to the smaller amount. According to Brenner and Brenner (1990, pp.169), number of attempts is made to understand gambling behaviors. One of the facts is that, gambling is a matter of taste. People who like to take risk usually gamble whereas those who are afraid do not. Gambling is a dangerous game not everyone risks for it. The poor who have the desire for money relatively fall for it more than the rich. It is also observed that those who lose money or business may gamble to meet their requirements. Gambling is a big business; people who want others to gamble make it attractive and appealing. Nice talks are made about gambling, prizes are highlighted. Both small and large amounts on lotteries and bets attract those who want to risk or are addicted to gamble. 1.3 Issues and problems related to gambling There are many issues related to gambling, it is not necessary that always the outcome of gambling is a problem. Low risk and safe gambling can also be made, but when the limits are crossed and large risks are taken gambling problem arises. Some of the problems related to gambling are: a. Impact on families Families are mostly affected by gambling problems. People lose almost everything in gambling even there place to live. It causes long term issues. b. Money problems: It is the most important problems which brings with it all others. It may be ...Download file to see next pagesRead More
Title: The Mahabharata, A Summary
Author: John Mandeville Macfie
Year: 1921

Comments: As summaries go, this one is VERY readable! It is not as good as Balakrishnan's Mahabharata in a Nutshell ($2.99 at Amazon), but this one is free online. Because this is a summary, it is written in a very abbreviated style, but it also includes some episodes that will be new to you because it is more complete than the selection version of the Mahabharata that you read earlier.
Free Online: See all the links at Freebookapalooza. The links below are to the Hathi Trust presentation of the book.

Length: three weeks. I've divided the reading into six parts: Part A - Part B (one week of reading), Part C - Part D (another week of reading), and Part E - Part F (three weeks of reading). You do not need to read this in order, and you can use it just for a half-week of reading or one or two or three weeks of reading; it's up to you, based on what parts of the epic you are most interested in.
Reading Part A pp. 25-61
1. The Book of Beginnings
Daughters of Prajapati.
Churning of the Ocean.
The Story of Garuda.
The Story of Jaratkaru.
Death of King Parikshit.
The Great Snake Sacrifice.
The Birth of Vyasa.
The Lunar Race.
The Story of Shukra.
Dushmanta and Shakuntala.
Birth of Dhritarashtra, Pandu, and Vidura.
Birth of Dhritarashtra's Children.

The Gambling Match Mahabharata Summary Pdf

Pandu Cursed and His Death.
Feuds Between the Pandus and Kurus.
Drona Appointed Teacher.
Drupada Conquered.
Yudhishthira Made Heir-Apparent.
Precepts for Kings.
Conspiracy to Destroy the Pandus.

The Gambling Match Mahabharata Summary 1

The Flight of the Pandus.
Bhima Slays Vaka.
Birth of Draupadi and Her Brother.
Previous History of Draupadi.
Vishvamitra and Vashishtha.
Draupadi's Swayamvara.
Marriage of Draupadi.
Story of the Five Indras.
The Pandus Found Indraprastha.
Narada's Advice.
Arjuna Leaves Indraprastha.
The Burning of Khandava Forest.
2. The Assembly Book.
Maya Offers to Build a Palace.
Narada Proposes a Rajasuya.
Defeat and Death of Jarasandha.
The Pandus Conquer the World.
Celebration of the Rajasuya.
The Gambling Match.
Cruel Treatment of Draupadi.
The Second Gambling Match.
The Departure of the Pandus.
Reading Part B pp. 62-101
3. The Forest Book
Forest Life.
Visit from Krishna.
Discontent of Draupadi.
Arjuna and the Celestial Weapons.
Arjuna in Indra's Heaven.
Nala and Damayanti.
The Search for Nala.
Nala Discovered.
Nala Recovers His Kingdom.
Tirathas Described.
Visit to Tirathas.
The Rishi Agastya.
Agastya Drinks the Ocean.
How the Ganges Came Down from Heaven.
Story of Rishyashringa.
The Story of Parashurama.
Visit from Krishna.
The Boar Incarnation.
Bhima Meets Hanuman.
Arjuna Comes Back from Heaven.
Who is a True Brahmin?.
Visit from Rishi Markandeya.
Story of the Flood.
Four Ages of the World.
Markandeya in Vishnu's Stomach.
Story of the Fowler.
Adventures of the Kurus.
Karna Loses His Earrings.
Story of Savitri.
Four of the Pandus Fall Dead.
Reading Part C pp. 100-139
4. The Virata Book
The Disguise of the Pandavas.
The Pandus in Virata.
The Invasion of Virata.
The Pandus Throw Off Their Disguise.
5. The Effort Book
Seeking Krishna's Help.
Shalya and Duryodhana.
How Indra Lost and Won His Throne.
Sanjaya's Mission to the Pandus.
Vidura's Philosophy.
Krishna Goes to the Kurus.
Both Sides Prepare for War.
6. The Bhishma Book
Sanjaya's Description of the Earth.
Seven Continents and Seven Seas.
Yudhishthira's Visit to the Kurus.
First Ten Days of Battle.
Bhishma is Overthrown.
7. The Drona Book
Drona's Leadership.
Death of Abhimanyu.
Great Deeds of Ghatotkacha.
Drona Deceived and Dies.
Drona's Son Seeks to Avenge his Father's Death.
Shiva Greater than Vishnu.
8. The Karna Book
Karna's Leadership.
Quarrel between Yudhishthira and Arjuna.
Bhima Slays Duhshasana.
9. The Shalya Book
Shalya as Commander.
Flight of Duryodhana.
Pandus Enter the Kuru Camp.
Reading Part D pp. 140-175
10. The Book of Slumber
The Sauptika Parva.
The Kurus Encounter Vishnu and Shiva.
The Sleeping Pandu Army Slain.
The Pursuit of Ashwatthaman.
11. The Book of the Women
Dhritarashtra Visits the Battlefield.
Gandhari's Lament.
Krishna Cursed by Gandhari.

The Gambling Match Mahabharata Summary 2

The Gambling Match Mahabharata Summary 3

The Funeral Rites Performed.
12. The Book of Consolation
Yudhishthira and the Forest.
Yudhishthira Assumes Sovereignty.
The Pandus Visit Bhishma.
Bhishma on the Duties of Kings.
The Origin of Kingship.
The Duties of the Four Orders.
Four Modes of Life.
How to Consolidate a Kingdom.
Village Government.
The Rules of War.
Secret of Success in Life.
The Jackal and the Tiger.
The Ministers a King Should Choose.
The Rishi Who Ate Dog's Flesh.
The Fowler and the Pigeons.
The Origin of Sin.
Some Moral Aphorisms.
The Origin of All Things.
Doctrine of Salvation.
Sin of Sacrificing Animals.
Fear of Life and Death.
Origin of Fever.
Reading Part E pp. 176-215
Sankhya and Yoga.
Power of Yoga.
Narada's Visit to the White Island.
The Gods and Liberation.
Devotion Greater than Knowledge.
13. The Book of Precepts
Yudhishthira Still Needs Comfort.
Wrong to Teach Low-Caste People.
Names of Shiva.
All Women are Evil.
The Greatness of Brahmins Once More.
Rules Relating to Marriage.
Greatness of Gifts.
The Gambling Match Mahabharata SummaryThe Glory of Cows.
The Merit of Fasting.
Various Precepts.
Bhishma Dies.
14. The Horse Sacrifice
Preparations for the Sacrifice.
The Anugita.
Krishna Leaves for Dwaraka.
Stories about Utanka.
Krishna Reaches Dwaraka.
Marutta's Wealth Secured.
The Birth of Parikshit.
The Wanderings of the Horse.
The Sacrifice Begins.
A Mongoose Speaks.
Seeds Not Animals for Sacrifice.
15. The Hermitage Book
Pandus and Kurus Live Happily Together.
Dhritarashtra Goes to the Forest.
Life in the Forest.
The Dead Heroes Called Up.
Death of Dhritarashtra, Gandhari, and Kunti.

Reading Part F pp. 216-252
16. The Book of Clubs
The Curse of the Rishis.
The Destruction of Yadus.
Death of Balarama and Krishna.
Arjuna Arrives at Dwaraka.
17. The Book of the Great Journey
On the Way to Heaven.
The Heroes Fall Down.
18. Book of the Ascent to Heaven
Yudhishthira Descends to Hell.
Yudhishthira Returns to Heaven.
Appendix 1: Giving Gifts to Brahmins.
Appendix 2: The Woman Whose Sex Was Changed.
Appendix 3: How Death Was Born.
Appendix 4: The Indian King Midas.
Appendix 5: Vishnu, Shiva's Arrow, and Brahma His Charioteer.
Appendix 6: King Shibi, The Hawk, and the Pigeon.
Note 1: The Epic Priest.
Note 2: The Four Ages of the World.
Note 3: Prajapati, The Prajapatis, and the Rishis.
Note 4: The Lunar Race.
Note 5: Vashishtha and Agastya.
Note 6: Durvasa.
Note 7: Drinking Customs.
Note 8: The Rishi Narada.
MahabharataNote 9: Draupadi and Yudhishthira.
Note 10: Rakshasas and Yakshas.
Note 11: Asuras, Daityas, and Danavas.
Note 12: Manu.
Note 13: Gandharvas and Apsarases.
Note 14: The Bhagavad-Gita.
Note 15: Nara-Narayana.
Note 16. Exaggerations.
Note 17. The Sankhya and the Yoga.
The Vedas.