Gambling School Fanfiction
At a school which holds its lifeline as gambling, where students gamble their lives away, there’s always been a certain structure of what is allowed and what is not. Alaska is the new girl, seeming innocent and sweet, but as soon as the gambling begins she is nothing of such. She sees through every little trick and cheat. Three-Point Shot by RandomRex6 is a Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony Alternate Universe Fic where Kokichi Ouma, partially out of curiosity and partially out of amusement, tampers with the crime scene of the first murder by picking up the shotput. The term operant conditioning was introduced by B. Skinner to indicate that in his experimental paradigm the organism is free to operate on the environment. In this paradigm the experimenter cannot trigger the desirable response; the experimenter waits for the response to occur (to be emitted by the organism) and then a potential reinforcer is delivered. The first setback was when the school principal found out about the gambling and card games, choosing to expel Yuuto because of the money he had 'stolen' from the other students. He wasn't made to give it back though, considering the bad reputation the school would have gotten from allowing gambling to take place on their grounds for so long.
This is a new story I've been working on. I would like to know if people are interested in reading more about it or not. Any suggestions or remarks are more than welcome, just keep it polite. I know I have been inactive when it comes to my other stories. Reason is simple. I lost interest in them. No excuse other than that. I still hope to finish them one day but for now, they are on the backburner.
Anyway, if you like this first preview of this new story let me know. I currently have a few chapters written but I'm still revising them daily.
For once Harry woke up after having a pleasant dream. Those didn't come very often to the almost eleven year old boy as his life wasn't really a happy one; it wasn't the worst either but it definitely could be better. No, last night he had dreamed of being the main protagonist in a video game. A few days ago, his relatives had gone on a day trip leaving Harry alone in the house free to do whatever he wanted; as long as he finished all his chores of course. So when he finally ran out of stuff to do for his uncle and aunt, he had started up his cousin's game station and spent the next few hours immerged into the RPG game he had started up. Harry had absolutely loved the game and wished that he too could be a hero that would go on quests, find hidden treasure and save the princess and eventually the world. How cool would that be?
Unfortunately, Harry wasn't a hero that saved the world. He was just Harry, a normal ten year old that lived with his uncle and aunt. On top of that, for some reason unknown to Harry, his relatives really disliked him. He had been doing most of the household work for years and that included cooking, laundry, gardening and so on. The only thing he wasn't allowed to do was cleaning but that was only because Aunt Petunia was such a clean freak that she didn't think anyone but her could properly clean the house. Basically, he was somewhat of a servant to them. Sure, they took him in after his parents died and gave him clothes and food but still, he had quickly realized that they resented his presence at their home.
His cousin Dudley was even worse. Harry wasn't someone to use the word hate a lot but to him Dudley was the only person that he came close to hating. Mostly because Dudley was a bully and Harry was his main target. His cousin and his gang of friends were already known as the neighborhood ruffians but of course to his aunt and uncle, Dudley was the perfect little boy. If you can call a 150 pound eleven year old, little. Anyway, Harry's life was far from being perfect but for now it was the only life he knew so he had to endure. One day he would slam the door in his uncle's fat, round face and hope it hit him square in the nose; which Harry doubted as the belly fat would surely stop the door at least a meter before his uncle's face.
You have slept in your bed. HP & MP are fully restored.
Now that he was somewhat awake, he stared in amazement at the floating blue screen in front of him. He quickly looked around to see if someone was playing a prank on him but he only saw his meager possessions that were stored in his cupboard under the stairs.
'What is going on?' Harry wondered. 'Is this a joke?'
Before he could question the blue screen any further it disappeared. Somewhat relieved at that, his brain jumpstarted and he started thinking about what he had just seen. Unfortunately, his aunt started banging on his door to wake him up and ordered him to start cooking breakfast.
'I'll be right there Aunt Petunia.' Harry replied quickly.
'Don't burn the bacon this time!' His aunt shrieked.
Harry quickly got dressed and ran to the kitchen in order to start making breakfast. He had little time as soon Vernon and Dudley would be coming down and if there wasn't any food on their plates when they reached the table there would be hell to pay. Vernon would be yelling obscenities at him while Dudley would start fake crying accusing Harry of doing it on purpose.
As he gathered the needed ingredients a new blue screen popped up in front of him which caused him to cry out in shock. Luckily his aunt was upstairs so she didn't hear it.
A Quest has been created.
Quest Alert
Feeding the Masses: make breakfast
Make a good breakfast for your relatives without burning the bacon.
Completion Award: 500 Exp.
Yes – No
Seeing as he had no choice but to make breakfast Harry pressed the option 'Yes' and started cooking. He would figure out what was going on later but for now he better get breakfast ready.
Ten minutes later, Harry put the food on the table just as his relatives entered the kitchen. Without as much a glance in his direction the Dursley's started eating and ignored him as per usual. Harry however was staring at the three of them. Or rather he was staring at the blue screens that floated just over their heads.
Vernon Dursley – Director at Grunnings – Lvl 16
Petunia Dursley – Housewife – Lvl 13
Dudley Dursley – Bully – Lvl 4
None of his relatives seemed to know that they had blue screens floating over their heads and Harry knew better than to mention it. The Dursley's were against anything that they considered abnormal; and they thought a lot of things were abnormal.
A new screen appeared in front of him and Harry did his best to read it without his relatives noticing it.
You've completed the quest. You fed the masses without burning the bacon.
Completion Awarded: 500 Exp.
As he closed that screen another one appeared in front of him just as fast.
Gambling School Fanfiction Archive
A special skill has been created through a special act.
By creating a perfect breakfast, the skill, 'Cooking' Lvl. 1 has been created.
Trying not to seem too shocked and surprised Harry kept quiet and figured he could figure all this out later. So when his Aunt chased him out of the kitchen and told him to get dressed, he quickly ran to the bathroom. Once there he noticed the same blue screen floating over his head but his has somewhat more information.
Harry Potter –? – Lvl 2
The Gamer
'Huh?' Harry thought. 'What the hell is going on? What is this 'The Gamer' thing? And why is there a question mark here. And really? I'm only a lvl 2 while Dudley is Lvl 4? That's so unfair.'
Harry continued to stare at the screen but no matter what he did it remained. He tried to wave it away but it wouldn't budge. He sighed loudly and knew that he had no time to think about it now. He needed to get dressed and ready for school. Harry didn't particularly dislike going to school as it was a way to get out of the house but again Dudley and his gang made life difficult for him there. With no friends of his own, Harry was pretty lonely at times but no matter what he tried the other kids just avoided him. Dudley's threats of hurting them if they were friends with Harry certainly helped in that department.
Gambling School Fanfiction Videos
On his way to school Harry just gaped at how every person he encountered had a blue screen floating above their head. For some reason the screens displayed their names, professions and what level they were. Not that that made any more sense to Harry than all the rest. As he reached the school and entered the classroom he quickly sat down and looked at the teacher's blue floating screen.
Patrick Patterson – Teacher – Lvl 18
One by one his classmates entered the classroom and sat down. Once the bell rang, Mr. Patterson started his class and Harry made sure to pay attention. Mr. Patterson was a very strict teacher and he didn't tolerate students that didn't pay attention to him. Even Dudley, who didn't like school at all, was on his best behavior here. Harry rather liked the man, he was strict but fair and when you did your best during his classes, he was really cool and nice. Of all his teachers he liked him best. As the morning went on, Harry tried to ignore the blue screens and promised himself to think about it during lunch break.
Finally after what seemed an eternity lunch had arrived and Harry made himself scarce. As usual he ate his meager lunch by himself in his secluded spot just behind the janitor's shed where nobody would bother him.
'Alright, let's try and figure this out.' Harry said to himself. 'I woke up with blue screens appearing everywhere; I received a Quest to make breakfast and when I completed it, I got 500 EXP and a new skill. That's the kind of things that the hero of the game I played had to do. So why do I see it? I'm not in a game, am I?' He started pacing around as he suddenly got a bit nervous with everything that happened. 'Wait, before I went to sleep I wished that I could be like a hero like the one I played as in Dudley's game. Does this mean that my wish came true?'
Suddenly Harry started laughing because if his wish had come true than his life was really looking up. What exactly he could do with this new ability he didn't know yet but he would find out.
'Let's see, in the game you had screen where you can control and check everything.' Harry mused. 'Menu'
Nothing happened but Harry wasn't about to give up that easily.
'Okay, that's no good.' He then went through several other words until he came up with the word 'Status'.
As soon as he had said the word status, a larger blue screen appeared in front of him.

Name: Harry James Potter
Age: 10
Class: The Gamer
Title: Elementary Student
Level: 2
HP: 100
MP: ?
STR: 1
VIT: 2
DEX: 3
INT: 4
WIS: 2
LUK: 2
Status Points: ?
Status: ?
Harry Potter is last member of the Potter Family. His family's history and past are unknown to him as his parents died when he was just a baby. There is something really special about Harry Potter but just what?
'Now we're getting somewhere.' Harry exclaimed. 'Not too sure about what all this means but it's a start. So, I'm currently at level 2 while others have much higher levels so this must mean that as you get older you level up? But Dudley is the same age as me and he's Level 4 so that doesn't seem right. In the game you level up by gaining EXP and doing quests so perhaps I can do that as well now. I get the 'HP' part, those are obviously my health points but what about the rest?'

Trying to figure this out he tapped the STR stat and a new screen popped up.
STR: Strength affects how much damage you do with physical and weapon attacks and how much damage your ability to parry reduces.
'Sweet!' Harry thought. 'So the higher this is, the stronger I get. Just like the game.' He then looked at each item one by one.
VIT: Vitality impacts your total HP and endurance. The more vitality you have the more damage you can take and the longer you can fight. This also impacts how quickly you recover HP while not in combat.
DEX: Dexterity affects how effectively you can dodge attacks and how accurate your own attacks are.
INT: Intelligence impacts your total MP; how quickly your MP recovers and how much damage your Magic causes. This also impacts your ability to learn and memorize information.
WIS: Wisdom affects how smart you are and how well you can use what you know. This has a massive impact on your INT status
Status: Throughout your life you can acquire and unveil any number of status effects both temporary (i.e. Poisoned, Sleep, etc.) and permanent ones. Some permanent effects can only be gained through genetics while others require specific actions.
Title: Earn your title and gain varied and sometimes beneficial titles throughout your life.
Harry sighed at all this information. While not really difficult to understand it was a lot to process. Unfortunately recess had come to an end and now he would have to go back to class and forget about this new development until tonight. The rest of the day Harry's mind was always going back to what he had just learned. Luckily the teachers didn't notice how distracted he was and didn't call him out on it.
The last class of the day was something that Harry dreaded the most. P.E was his absolute worst class and he always got picked last when it came to deciding teams. On top of that he was just pants at playing sports; football didn't interest him and neither did any of the other sports that they played. Today they would be running again and he wasn't looking forward to it.
By the end of class Harry was sweaty and so exhausted that he almost missed it when he received three notifications.
Exercising has caused your STR to go up by 1.
Exercising has caused your VIT to go up by 1.
Exercising has caused your DEX to go up by 1.
'Wow, really?' Harry asked to no one. 'Just because I ran and did some sport, my levels in STR, VIT and DEX went up by 1 point. I'm never complaining about P.E again.'
Harry was now pretty sure that whatever this was, it made him like some hero character in some game. The evidence all pointed in that direction and while he still didn't know where it came from, it excited him to no end. Already he could see the possibilities this would give him. While he hadn't really played Dudley's game all that long, he had quickly grasped the basics of it and that was enough for him to figure out what was going on. Sure, a lot of unknown things remained but he would cross that bridge when he got there.
'If I can get stronger than Dudley and his gang, then I will never have to run again.' Harry thought. 'I will never have to back down from something again. Watch out world, a new Harry Potter has arrived!'
Later that evening, he was sitting in his cupboard and went over what he had learned that day. He rechecked the Status menu and wondered what other menus this new power would provide for him. So racking his brain to remember the game's menus he uttered the word 'Skills' and to his delight a screen appeared in front of him.
Again, he felt like some things were pretty common sense here. Not really difficult to understand so he moved on to the third screen.
Skills: by performing certain actions you can gain new skills. You can learn an infinite number of skills that will help you get through life. Some are simple (Exp: learning how to cook) while others are complex. Skills will level up by using them often. Beware however that some skills take longer to master based on their complexity. Some skills will evolve into a new/different skill once mastered.
Gamer's Mind – Passive – Max – Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through.
Gamer's Body – Passive – Max – Grants a body that allows for the user to live the real world like a game. After sleep in a bed he restores HP, MP and all status effects.
Cooking – Active – Lvl 1 – Gives you the abilities to cook delicious food. High level skills will allow you to cook nourishing foods that will help you grow a healthy body.
'Awesome. So for the moment I only have 'Cooking, Lvl 1 as an active skill but that will change soon enough.' Harry knew. 'What about an Inventory? Do I have that as well?'
Sure enough another screen appeared overlapping the previous one.
Inventory: you can stow away all your equipment such as books, items, clothes, weapons, etc. The inventory can hold an infinite number of items but only a certain amount of each item can be stored. You can store up to a 100 pieces of each item. To put an item into the trunk simply open the INVENTORY screen and drag the item into the screen. The item will automatically be stored away. To use a stored item simply grab the item and drag it out. Everything placed in the INVENTOY will not waste. Foods will remain in perfect state as the day they were put into the INVENTORY.
'Okay, that's seriously cool.' Harry laughed. 'If I put all my stuff in here then nobody will be able to steal from me ever again.'
So that's what he did. One by one he dragged the precious few items he cherished into the Inventory and watched as they were now safely stored away. If anything, to Harry this was the best thing ever. He had no doubt that if he ever got something really important, Dudley or his uncle would take great pleasure in taking it away from him. This way his belongings were safe and sound.
Harry knew that there were still some things that he needed to look at in detail but he was getting tired and thus he decided to wait until the next day. Besides, in a few weeks it would be summer holidays and thus he would have lots of time to figure out this new ability of his.