Reconfigurable Polarization Slot Antenna

Kamil Yavuz Kapusuz(UGent), Sam Lemey(UGent), Alessandra Petrocchi, Piet Demeester(UGent), Dominique Schreurs and Hendrik Rogier(UGent)

Polarization Reconfigurable U-slot Patch Antenna


In this paper, a CPW-fed circular polarization reconfigurable slot antenna is proposed. By simply changing the bias status of two PIN diodes through a T-type bias device, the antenna can work as two independent inverted L-shaped slots, and realize reconfigurable performances. Planar Polarization-reconfigurable Antenna A planar polarization reconfigurable antenna with a simple switching topology is realised. A dual mode substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) cavity is adopted for the element antenna having two input ports. Four radiation slots are etched. In this communication, a microfluidically frequency- and polarization-reconfigurable slot antenna using liquid metal (LM) is proposed. The polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) structure with narrow-banded microchannels is loaded on the printed circuit board (PCB) of a square slot antenna, providing condition for reconfiguration. The annular slot antenna consists of a circular slot on a square, metal ground plane that is fed by a microstrip line, designed on the bottom of the Duroid substrate. The mean length of the slot circumference is approximately 3 λs/2 at the frequency of 5.8 GHz.

Reconfigurable Polarization Slot Antenna
  • ATTO (A new concept for ultra-high capacity wireless networks.)
Reconfigurable polarization slot antenna tuner
The Internet of Things requires highly efficient ultra-wideband antenna systems that yield high performance at low manufacturing cost. Therefore, a novel ultra-wideband circular air-filled substrate-integrated-waveguide (AFSIW) cavity-backed annular slot antenna is proposed that enables straightforward integration into general-purpose materials by means of standard manufacturing techniques. The cavity top plane, serving as antenna aperture, contains two concentric annular slots, both split into two by shorting tabs that create a virtual electric wall. This enables the generation of a TE11; slot even mode in both parts of each annular slot, giving rise to a conical radiation pattern. By exciting two such modes and judiciously positioning their resonance frequencies, all the unlicensed national information infrastructure (U-NII) [5.15-5.85] GHz radio bands are covered. The annular slot antenna is then made polarization reconfigurable through an innovative excitation of the slot modes by replacing the shorting tabs with four pairs of the PIN diodes. These dynamically switch between two orthogonal linear polarizations by changing the dc control current at the antenna RF port through an external bias tee. This simple, yet effective, bias network enables the integration of all polarization control electronics inside the antenna cavity to protect them from environmental effects. A low-cost antenna substrate was realized through standard additive manufacturing in a 3D-printed substrate, while a standard high-frequency laminate was used to implement the upper conducting plane containing the radiating elements and the polarization reconfiguration electronics. The antenna features an impedance bandwidth of 0.93 GHz, a front-to-back ratio of 14 dB, a total antenna effiency higher than 95%, and 4.9 dBi gain for each polarization state.
FREQUENCY, COMPONENTS, BEAM, PATTERN, Additive manufacturing, air-filled substrate-integrated-waveguide, (AFSIW), cavity-backed slot antenna, circular cavity, in-cavity, electronics, PIN diode, partially-filled circular waveguide, polarization reconfiguration, reconfigurable antenna, substrate-independent, ultra-wideband


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Please use this url to cite or link to this publication:

Kapusuz, Kamil Yavuz, et al. “Polarization Reconfigurable Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna.” IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, 2019, pp. 102628–43.
Kapusuz, K. Y., Lemey, S., Petrocchi, A., Demeester, P., Schreurs, D., & Rogier, H. (2019). Polarization reconfigurable air-filled substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed slot antenna. IEEE ACCESS, 7, 102628–102643.
Chicago author-date
Kapusuz, Kamil Yavuz, Sam Lemey, Alessandra Petrocchi, Piet Demeester, Dominique Schreurs, and Hendrik Rogier. 2019. “Polarization Reconfigurable Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna.” IEEE ACCESS 7: 102628–43.
Chicago author-date (all authors)
Kapusuz, Kamil Yavuz, Sam Lemey, Alessandra Petrocchi, Piet Demeester, Dominique Schreurs, and Hendrik Rogier. 2019. “Polarization Reconfigurable Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide Cavity-Backed Slot Antenna.” IEEE ACCESS 7: 102628–102643.

Reconfigurable Polarization Slot Antenna Booster

Kapusuz KY, Lemey S, Petrocchi A, Demeester P, Schreurs D, Rogier H. Polarization reconfigurable air-filled substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed slot antenna. IEEE ACCESS. 2019;7:102628–43.

Reconfigurable Polarization Slot Antenna Mounts

K. Y. Kapusuz, S. Lemey, A. Petrocchi, P. Demeester, D. Schreurs, and H. Rogier, “Polarization reconfigurable air-filled substrate integrated waveguide cavity-backed slot antenna,” IEEE ACCESS, vol. 7, pp. 102628–102643, 2019.

Reconfigurable Polarization Slot Antenna Signal Booster

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